Spamalot tells the legendary tale of King Arthur’s quest to find the Holy Grail. Inspired by the classic comedy film, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the musical also diverts a bit from more traditional versions of the legend. Instead, Spamalot features shenanigans including a line of beautiful dancing girls, flatulent Frenchmen, and killer rabbits. Outside, there is plague with a 50% chance of pestilence and famine. Throughout the show, Arthur, traveling with his servant Patsy, recruits several knights to accompany him on his quest, including Sir Bedevere, Sir Robin, Sir Lancelot, and Sir Galahad. Besides the rabbits and farting Frenchman, they meet such characters as the Lady of the Lake, Prince Herbert, Tim the Enchanter, Not Dead Fred, the Black Knight, and the Knights who say Ni.
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Cast List:
King Arthur: Gaz Brighton
Lady of the Lake: Helen Ward-Jackson
Patsy: David Fricker
Dennis/ Sir Galahad: Bob Murray
Sir Robin: Seth Ringrose
Sir Lancelot: Ben Hitchcock
Sir Bevedere: Chris Hohenkerk
Sir Girwain: Rob Dyer
Sir *name tbc: Gary Grinham
Prince Herbert: Henry Robertson
Fred: Rob Dyer
Male Ensemble
Paul Webb
Charlie Panther
Peter Elliott
Harry Gentry
Luke Charlesworth
Don Young
Ladies Ensemble & Dancers
Kate Rolff
Lisa Gentry
Naomi Wareham
Kate Dyer
Beth Hill
Nancy Dyer
Molly Hill
Shannon Baverstock
Historian, Dennis’ mum, French taunter: Richard Keeble